taskblitz summer updates

We know that it has been a little quiet on the home front, but that’s because we have been busy this summer to improve taskblitz in many ways. In this posting we wanna give you all the details on the new things and updates.

The most important modification for our users is, that since yesterday the main application is now accessible at https://app.taskblitz.com. If you ran into any problems with old invitation links or anything else, please contact us at support@taskblitz.com and we will fix everything for you. There is still the front site available at taskblitz.com.

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We redesigned the project overview page in order to make it more cleanlier arranged. The new sidebar navigation shows all the projects that are relevant to the user divided by projects lead and project the user is part of. On top there are the links to the two tools to manage the project portfolio in a time- and stage perspective.

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We also reworked the organizations start page to give you a more clearer overview of all your team members your organizations settings.

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Also the chat has been improved and now offers you project-based channels to communicate with your project team more efficient.

Some more minor changes that we have accomplished:

  • improved overall speed and performance of the application
  • small refinements on the design and move away from strong blue accents
  • improved feed on the dashboard
  • released new version of our android and ios apps

We hope that you like all the new features and updates and would love to hear your feedback at support@taskblitz.com.

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About erich

Erich started taskblitz as a concept back in 2011. After some time on the waiting line, Erich decided in Mid 2014 to work again on taskblitz and realize the concept.

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