HipChat is hosted group chat and video chat for companies and teams. Supercharge real-time collaboration with persistent chat rooms, file sharing, and screen sharing. taskblitz integrates perfectly with HipChat and notifies everyone in your organization about important activities.

hipchat intagration Introducing our HipChat integration

How to set up?

You can enable the HipChat integration for your whole organization at your settings page. Head to the Integrations tab and tick the enable Integration checkbox.

HipChat   Integrations   2015 05 21 14.58.17 300x135 Introducing our HipChat integration

Next you must enter the API Notification token provided by HipChat. To generate that token go to the Integrations tab of the desired room and search for the “taskblitz” integration and click install. In the next page you see a short description of how the integration will work. Below there is the “Generate an admin token” button you have to click. Copy the generated token to your taskblitz settings page and also enter the name of the room.

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Like what we have built? We’d be happy to have you and your team on board!

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About erich

Erich started taskblitz as a concept back in 2011. After some time on the waiting line, Erich decided in Mid 2014 to work again on taskblitz and realize the concept.

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