taskblitz Chat is here

In the last few weeks we worked hard on a new feature that really will make your teamwork with taskblitz a lot easier: the taskblitz Chat.

The chat allows instant communication with your entire team but also with individual team members. Besides of writing plain text messages you can share files with users and channels, use emoticons in your texts and mention taskblitz objects like tasks. The objects get an intelligent preview so you don’t have to leave the chat to check on them. Everything happens in real-time, there is no need for refreshing your browser. When you are not on the chat page you will receive notifications on new messages that pop in in the meantime so you won’t miss anything important.

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Please consider: taskblitz Chat is only available for teams with a premium plan or in the trial period.

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About erich

Erich started taskblitz as a concept back in 2011. After some time on the waiting line, Erich decided in Mid 2014 to work again on taskblitz and realize the concept.

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