Kanban is a method for managing knowledge work with an emphasis on just-in-time delivery while not overloading the team members. In this approach, the process, from definition of a task to its delivery to the customer, is displayed for participants to see. Team members pull work from a queue.

Below you can see a basic example of a kanban board with the three typical lists: “Todos, in Progress and Finished”:
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You can find this board in the demo project we create for you when you sign up at taskblitz. Using the board is super simple: you can use drag&drop to drag a tasks/cards from one state/list to another one. At the top of each list a number shows the count of cards in it. This will help you to keep the flow steady.

If you want to customize or build you own processes with the board, it’s also very simple: All lists can be dragged around and reordered. You can also add new ones or change the name of existing ones.

You can use a kanban board for various purposes:

  • Human Resources and recruitment teams
  • Sales and marketing teams
  • Organisational strategy and executive leadership teams
  • Audit teams
  • Sales to Goods delivery process
  • Procurements to Goods receipt process
  • Contracts to Project execution process
  • Accounts receivable & payable processes
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About erich

Erich started taskblitz as a concept back in 2011. After some time on the waiting line, Erich decided in Mid 2014 to work again on taskblitz and realize the concept.

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