Announcing our new pricing

First of all we’d like to thank everyone who provided us feedback on our pricing and our packaging. We took the inputs and critics very serious and developed a new pricing scheme for taskblitz:

Subscription   taskblitz   project focused team collaboration software   2016 02 08 21.56.01 Announcing our new pricing

First of all we are extending the features of the free tier. You now can work in a small team of 3 users for free in taskblitz. We also introduce a new intermediate plan for small team below 10 members. The plus plan also includes the chat for internal communication. The new full features plan is called pro (formerly business plan). And we also dropped the monthly fee from $15 to $9 per user.

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About erich

Erich started taskblitz as a concept back in 2011. After some time on the waiting line, Erich decided in Mid 2014 to work again on taskblitz and realize the concept.

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