In this week we released a new version of taskblitz bringing two new features: First of all we introduce a new import interface that allows you to instantly move from another project management solution to taskblitz with keeping all your projects together. You can find the import page in your user menu in the navigation or at We currently support these services as import sources:

  • asana
  • wunderlist
  • trello
  • basecamp

The import procedure itself it super simple: You have to enter your credentials or at some case you have to authorize our import routine in an oAuth call. For example with asana you click onto the “Import” button and then confirm/allow taskblitz the access to your data to start the import routine.

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For the import routine from wunderlist and basecamp you have to enter your credentials. Don’t worry, we absolutely don’t save that information and only use it for the import routine.

If you are facing any problem during the import or want to have another service as import source, please drop us a mail at

Another thing we released recently are the new task creation inputs. We listened to your feedback and made the whole task creation process more easy and simple. In addition we made it also easier to create tasks in different categories like projects, dates and so on. For example, if you want to add an task for tomorrow simple click the tomorrow filter in your tasks and you see a input field right below ready for your input:

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The same also works when filtering a specific project:

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In the project tasklist we are also introducing a simpler task input:

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This input has more features than the one in your personal task list: you can assign the task to a team mate, set the due date, priority and the estimated hours for completion.

We hope that you like and enjoy the new features. If any problems occur, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

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Productivity Apps for iPad Why we are building another project management / productivity solution

Some of you might think something like “Oh no not again another productivity app” or “why are those guys building another solution though there are so many existing out there”. Good questions and from my perspective as a found I can answer this very simple: We wouldn’t do it if we wouldn’t see something to improve on the existing solutions.

Our key arguments against the competitors are:

  • Full-stack solution
  • Build for business users in mind
  • Focus on UX and modern technologies
  • Fair price
  • Enterprise services

But the main philosophy we build taskblitz around is:

adaptability wins over simplicity


Simplicity is something that all the other solution out there claim to offer. And they are right. But there is a huge problem with their approach of simplicity: they achieve this in reducing functionality. Take simple task list applications for example: they are cool to use but don’t help you in keeping track of time, efforts or money spent on a project. And this is what is project management about: to deliver in time, in quality and with the estimated costs. Here we can give you taskblitz as a solution with an comparable simple interface but with all the business features on board.

With taskblitz we see it in a different way: Our product needs to adapt to customers demands to a simple to use tool but will not cut features of state-of-the art business mindset. So you can see it as a bridge between the fancy task list, productivity app world to the solid enterprise app world.

For example we have processes in taskblitz like for multi-project management that are derived from enterprise solutions and adapted to a simpler interface. You don’t need to take an advanced project management course to understand all this cause we narrowed these concepts down to the point where everyone can work with them.

We hope that you people out there like our approach and that taskblitz can bring the fun and easiness back to the field of business software solutions.

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